Blockchain 101: Students & Educators Embrace Tech in Higher Education

Coinbase recently released their annual “Leaders in Crypto Education” report for 2019 which gives insight into students’ perception and classroom adoption of blockchain and cryptos. Qriously worked with Coinbase to produce this study.

Compared to last year, it is clear to anyone that this is a serious and continually growing area of study which is being taught across many disciplines.

By the Numbers

This report provides us significant findings, especially in comparison to last year. Currently, “56 percent of the world’s top 50 universities now offer at least one course on crypto or blockchain — up from 42 percent in 2018.”

Close to 70% of blockchain and cryptos classes are outside of computer science and twice as many students took a course this year compared to the last.

More specifically, the area of finance, economics, business economics account for 19.8% of departments offering courses. Law comes in third offering 10.7% of the courses.

In 2018, 9% of students reported taking a blockchain or cryptos course. Now that number in 2019 is 18%.

Student initiatives are also prevalent. Forty-one of the top fifty universities have “at least one student-run club”. Student desire for more courses on cryptocurrency is also on the rise, increasing to 34% from 28%.

Blockchain in Higher Education

The presence of blockchain in higher education is not new, though the boom of interest certainly is. Cryptos, for example, reported on New York University business and law professor David Yermack. Prof. Yermack has been teaching a for-credit course on the technology since 2014. But it was only last year that he had to move the class to the largest lecture hall on campus in order to accommodate the 225 enrolled students.

This is only the start of the blockchain boom on campus. The cross-discipline nature of this technology, in fact, might even reshape educational approaches, as well.

If anything, there is certainly no receding interest of blockchain or cryptos in this years report.

Be sure to check out the full report on the Coinbase Blog.

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